OS2 - Public Digitalization Network in Denmark
Succesful open source is not just about..
..how you develop on your codebase.
It is also about solid organisation and creating value.
OS2 is an organisation of public bodies in Denmark where we - together - develop, mature, and maintain public code.
This way the public bodies obtain a direct ownership over the code, freedom to choose vendors, and devolop (often cheaper) code based on their own needs.
84% of all Danish municipalitiesProducts
at different governance levels
Products in operation
products in operation
Our definition of public open source
We define open source as software as software that allows you to:
- Study
- Modify
- Use
- Share
Public open source is paid by tax payers and should there for be open and transparent.
Say hi!
You are welcome to contact us if you are interested in our work and/or what to use our open source products, created on public wishes and developed by private partners.
The history behind
OS2 is a voluntary network for public organs. The organisation is born on April 24th 2012 when five municipality (Ballerup, Syddjurs, Sønderborg, Ishøj, and Copenhagen) decided to make a structured network together.
The aim for OS2 is to assists the public organs’ to collaborate and create new IT-solutions, if the need for them are not covered elsewhere.
Source codes and documentation are on open source licences with OS2. Licences are primarily MPL 2.0 for codes and CC BY-SA for anything else.